? TRUTH BOMB 2020 | International Best-selling Author & Doctor Vernon Coleman


“..​ @Vernon Coleman  provides 10 simple facts which demolish the car owner v1rus in less than 3 minutes! ‘..it would make more sense to carry a LIGHTNING ROD than to wear a ma$k.'” Strength. Godspeed.

YOUTUBE CHANNEL: Subscribe ‘Vernon Coleman’ https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCd6F39mg7LPUkw1BfiJDibw

SOURCE VIDEO: “Zombies and Trolls” https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UUOpKyAtxEw&t=609s

“..International best-selling author, Dr Vernon Coleman MB ChB DSc FRSA, discusses hypocrisy, masks, loopholes, celebrities, cognitive dissonance and how trolls are made. He also includes 10 simple facts which demolish the coronavirus nonsense. For more unbiased information about other important issues, please visit https://www.vernoncoleman.com The transcripts of the videos that YouTube banned are also on the website (click on the ‘Health’ button then see top of page) Thank you for all your support and encouragement. Please feel free to share this video.”

#vernoncoleman #news #top10list #medicine #health

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